Creating art, in any form or media, can serve many purposes:it can be used to send a message, to make a statement, to document an event, or to preserve a memory of a loved one. But at other times, a work of art can be viewed as a reflection of one's state of mind, when an artist is merely inviting the audience to enjoy the beauty of nature, a fleeting moment of light hitting a side of the building, or often unappreciated simplicity of everyday objects that surround us.
Alexander's inspiration comes from observing the world-sometimes intentionally or, at other times, from capturing an unexpected angle of a ray of light or a shade cast by an object as a tree, a house, a flower.
The idea behind Alexander's art is a simple one: to allow the viewer the moment of pure aesthetic contentment. It can also offer an opportunity to escape the cacophony of everyday life and to spend some time in a neutral space, where there is no judgement, no obligations, no labels.