About Alexander Khlupin

About Alexander Khlupin

Alexander Khlupin lives and works in Hillsdale, NJ. Having discovered a strong desire to draw at a very early age, he has received a formal classic fine art education that has enabled him to master a variety of art forms and media, including oil, charcoal, pastel, watercolor, etching, and lithography, as well as mural techniques.

In the U.S. Alexander had a 20 years long successful career in textile design. As an artist always looking for yet another way to express and share his view of the world, he has decided to return to his roots in fine art and even take a turn into a new terrain of artistic photography. The idea behind his art, whether it is a mural, a charcoal drawing, or a still life painting, is a simple one: to a allow the viewer a moment of pure aesthetic contentment and perhaps an opportunity to escape cacophony of everyday life.